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Veterinary Physiotherapy

Definition of Veterinary Physiotherapy (NAVP)


“Veterinary physiotherapy is a science based profession, which takes an holistic approach to each patient by providing functional assessment following veterinary referral. Physiotherapy for animals can be used alongside veterinary care to help in the treatment or long-term management of many musculoskeletal or neurological injuries and conditions. It can assist rehabilitation of the animal, with the aims of reducing pain, improving movement, and restoring normal muscle control and function. Physiotherapy can also be used for performance development of the animal athlete, helping to try to minimise the risk of injury whilst maximising the performance of competitive or working animals.”


Equine Physiotherapy 

Horses are incredibly good actors. As typical flight animals, they are masters in compensating or hiding pain. An experienced Veterinary Physiotherapist is able to detect hidden pain and will therefore be able to target the correct musculoskeletal structures in order to ease the pain. 

Regular Physiotherapy can improve muscular symmetry, eliminate discomfort, free various restrictions and will identify sub-clinical issues before they evolve into a real problem.


Physiotherapy can help with:


  • Bucking/Rearing

  • Management of Chronic Degenerative Joint Diseases (Osteoarthritis)

  • Lameness following a Veterinary Work-Up

  • Poor Performance

  • Change in Functional Level (tripping, laziness)

  • Changes in behaviour and work ethic

  • Discomfort when being tacked/rugged up

  • Saddle area soreness

  • Refusing fences, knocking poles, reluctance to stretch/collect

  • Reluctance to engage

  • Poor propulsion from behind

  • Disuniting in canter

  • Stiffness on one rein

  • Contact/Collection/Transition issues

  • Tying Up (Rhabdomyolisis)

  • And many more...

Manual and Electro Therapies

Lea uses a combination of manual and electro therapies to target a range of musculoskeletal conditions. 


Classic Manual Therapies


  • massage

  • stretching

  • joint mobilisations (Daniel Kamen techniques)

  • myofascial release techniques 


Electro Therapies


  • h-wave - Trimbio Trimwave 

  • tens 

  • nmes

  • thermal therapy - epiony heat pad therapy

  • cryo therapy

  • therapeutic ultrasound

  • class 3B omega laser therapy

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